

History of the club

The Hochschwarzwald Golf Club was founded in 2001. This was preceded by an extensive search for a location. The required areas had to be carefully selected so that the course would meet the requirements of nature conservation in this pristine landscape.

The land could be leased from local farmers, some of whom are still involved in maintaining the course today. In the same year, the Hochschwarzwald Golf School began operations on the driving range.


In 2003 the public 6-hole short course was inaugurated and in July 2004 the 9-hole course was inaugurated.

In the summer of 2005, the foundation stone was laid for the clubhouse, which was put into operation in the same year.

The clubhouse was renovated and enlarged in 2010. Since then, members and guests have found an extensive range of dining options and improved infrastructure with changing rooms and showers.

The 18-hole course, including a new driving range and a new, spacious practice area, opened in spring 2016.

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